
Finding Light in the Darkness: Is Suicide the Answer to Life's Challenges?

Introduction  Suicide is a topic that's close to my heart, because I'd contemplated about ending my life on numerous occasions in the past. Globally, suicide remains a silent crisis, affecting countless individuals and families. Despite the stigma, it’s crucial to have open conversations about it, especially because it often stems from mental health struggles that require understanding and compassion. How Prevalent is Suicide Globally? With over 700,000 people dying by suicide every year globally, this equates to one life lost every 40 seconds. ( ) This number may be higher due to under-reporting caused by stigma surrounding suicide in many cultures.  ( )  Suicide is one of the leading causes of death globally.( ) The global suicide rate is about 9 per 100,000 people, but it varies by regio

The Beauty of Imperfection: Embracing Authenticity in Impromptu Music

Introduction In a world where perfection is often prized, there's something revolutionary about embracing the beauty of imperfection.  Impromptu and original music, created in the moment  w ithout rehearsals, is more than just a musical style. It's an invitation to connect with our true selves and others on a deeper level. Freedom of Creativity When musicians embrace the freedom of creativity, they tap into a powerful force that transcends notes and chords. Impromptu music becomes a canvas of self-expression, where they can paint their emotions, thoughts and experiences without boundaries or constraints. This creative liberation allows them to access a deeper level of authenticity, making their music more relatable and impactful. Vulnerability Vulnerability is another essential aspect of impromptu music. By sharing their unfiltered thoughts and emotions, musicians create a safe space for listeners to do the same. This vulnerability fosters a sense of community and connection, a

Inflammation: Signs, Causes and Ways to Heal

  Introduction   Inflammation is a major root cause of all chronic diseases. (pg. 168,  The DNA Way ) According to , inflammation is  the trigger behind many chronic diseases.  ( )   Inflammation is not disease-specific and  it affects the entire body. Research has shown that diseases that we might think are unrelated are actually intimately linked. Therefore, when we treat inflammation in one part of the body, other parts of the body also become healthier. (pg. 12, The Inflammation Cure ) What is Inflammation? Inflammation is a natural response to an illness, injury or something that doesn't belong to one's body, and it's a normal and important process that allows one's body to heal. ( ) According to Wikipedia, inflammation is "part of the biological response of body tissues to  harmful stimuli, such as pathog