Music That Heals


Have you ever hesitated to start something because you felt it wasn’t perfect? I recently uploaded three impromptu pieces of music on YouTube, embracing the idea that taking imperfect actions is essential for growth. Inspired by Jenna Kutcher’s insights, I realised that waiting for perfection can hold us back from starting our creative journeys. 

In this post, I’ll share my experience of transformation from an imperfect musician to a better one through the power of action.

Taking Imperfect Actions

I've uploaded three short and impromptu pieces of music, which I've played, on YouTube. They're imperfect pieces, obviously. But like what a speaker on a Mastermind webinar, Jenna Kutcher had mentioned, it's ok to take imperfect actions, because if you don't start taking imperfect actions now, you'll never get started. She certainly had a point. Because if I don't start making music videos on YouTube now and if I've waited until I've perfected my music, I'd never have started. 

Transformation from Imperfect Musician to Better Musician

It's not easy to go all out and make music videos when I've not even mastered video editing. It's more so because I'm a perfectionist. But then again, if I don't start now, I'd never have started. 

Like what Jenna had shared, people will see your transformation when you start taking imperfect actions. By making imperfect music videos with imperfect music, people will start seeing my transformation, from an imperfect musician to a better musician, over time.

My Latest Music Video

When you listen to the music, you might feel that it sounds a bit moody or sad. But don't you agree that sometimes music that sounds a bit melancholic might be healing at the same time? 

Bear in mind, though, that when you're already feeling moody or sad, it's best not to listen to such music because it might make you feel worse. But if you're feeling okay at the point of time when listening to such music, you might actually experience a release of deep-seated pain that you didn't even realise you had, because it had been buried deep down in your heart. 


In conclusion, taking imperfect actions is a vital step towards growth and transformation. By sharing my music videos, I hope to inspire others to embrace their imperfections and find healing through creativity. 

Remember, it’s not about perfection; it’s about progress. So, take that first step and you might just discover the beauty in your journey.


Annie Chan

(P/s: Click on the following link to subscribe to my YouTube channel: Annie's Music)

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