Feeling Blue?


Are You Feeling Blue?

Are you feeling blue like me? If you are and if you don't mind listening to sad music, you might want to check out my latest music video on YouTube titled "Feeling Blue". Or you might want to watch "Chase Away the Blues" by Timmy Abell, whose music doesn't sound as blue.

Being Emotional

Being someone emotional, I get affected not just by what happens to me but I get affected by what happens to other people as well. Because of all the latest happenings in the US and all the injustices, I've been feeling down lately. Having said that, I recognise that it's important to keep my emotions in check and not allow my emotions to drag me down too long.

It's Okay to Feel Blue

It's okay to feel blue occasionally, really. But if you notice that you feel blue more often lately, then you might want to ask yourself what might have triggered that. Could it be due to some unresolved issues such that when something similar happens, it just triggers the blues? Or could it be due to depression?

When Feeling Blue is Due to Depression

According to healthline.com, while recognising that sadness is a normal emotional state, it's also important to realise when feeling blue could be due to something else, such as depression. And if it's due to depression, you might want to consider seeking professional help even if you have a supportive family. Sometimes, there's a limit to how much a supportive family could do to help. And sometimes it'll do both you and your family good to seek professional help.  

There are counselling services available in a lot of places. This is true especially in developed countries. And if you don't feel comfortable getting face-to-face counselling, you might want to consider getting help through the phone. Betterhelp.com might be able to help. 

If your feeling blue is due to depression, please don't ever think that your only option is to end your life. I've been through so much pain and suffering, and I've thought of ending my life on many occasions. But in the end, I've always managed to pull through. And now I no longer think of ending my life. On the contrary, I'm trying my best to live my life to the fullest. So, if I could pull through and overcome the worst traumas and suffering, you could do so as well. 

Healing Myself Through Music

For me, I'd rather heal myself through my music. Having walked the path of deep sorrow time and again, the music that I create sometimes serves as a cathartic outlet for myself. And of course, I heal myself occasionally through the music of other people. It isn't a conscious thing in that I don't deliberately look for music to heal myself. But when I listen to certain songs, somehow they're able to bring some form of relief to my deeply wounded soul.

Feeling Blue?

Look for things that brighten up your day. Watch some funny videos. Get support. Listen to music. Exercise. Do whatever it takes to drive the blues away. 


Annie Chan

(P/s: Please subscribe to my YouTube channel here: Annie's Music Everywhere. Thanks!:)

Image Details

Photo by Ali Pazani from Pexels






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