Resting in Your Presence

My Latest Music Video is Out!

My latest music video titled "Resting in Your Presence" has been uploaded to my YouTube channel. Please check it out!:) This piece of impromptu music just flowed from my heart, and it reflected the state of my mind at that moment. Indeed, most of my impromptu pieces of music directly reflect my mood and/or life at specific moments in time. There was, however, one impromptu piece which I created with a specific mood in mind, and it was titled "Happy 2021" because at the point of creating that piece, I had wanted it to reflect the new year mood.

If you prefer to listen to a Christian song instead, you could check out a single by Andre Jones titled "Rest in Your Presence".

When Life Overwhelms

Sometimes when life gets too overwhelming for us to handle, it's good to have someone in our lives in whose presence we could really rest. In whose presence we know that we're safe. In whose presence we know that we won't be judged. Without having to say a word. Without any pretense. To have such a person in one's life is a true blessing. 

For me, when life gets or feels overwhelming, I prefer to be alone instead.:) Because to me, it's during such times that I really need to think and gain clarity. What about you? Do you feel overwhelmed with life?  Do you feel overwhelmed without being able to pinpoint the cause? If so, you might be interested to read an article titled "When Feeling Overwhelmed With Life Means a Mental Health Issue" on

Taking Nature Walks

If you don't have anyone in your life in whose presence you could find rest, you might want to consider taking nature walks because nature somehow has the unique ability to calm one down when life gets overwhelming. This is at least true from my perspective.

According to an article on, Yoshifumi Miyazaki, a forest-therapy expert and a researcher at the Chiba University in Japan, found that people who spent forty minutes walking in a cedar forest had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol. That means that spending time in nature could really have a calming effect.

In short, in my view, soaking in the presence of nature is good for one's soul. 


Annie Chan

(P/s: Please subscribe to my YouTube channel here: Annie's Music Everywhere. Thanks!:)

Image Details

Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels



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