Take Off

Why Take off?

Creating music is not a problem for me, but to come up with titles for my weekly music videos can be a challenge. A real challenge. And so sometimes I do ask God to help with the titles.

Because of the background noise (due to the traffic outside) that was a bit too loud towards the end of the music, I started to think of the kind of video that would be suitable. And on the morning of 22 March 2021, the thought of an airplane taking off from the runway came to my mind. I believe God put it in my mind as I'd been asking Him for help with the title. And I believe that He's trying to say something here.

Let Your Dreams Take Flight

My deeply-buried dreams are now beginning to come alive. I could see them taking flight. Slowly but surely taking flight. It has been a long and battle-weary journey filled with numerous downs and very few ups. But things are finally looking a little bright - possibly because of my mindset change - and I could see hope as my dreams are gradually taking shape.

If you've dreams that you've yet to fulfill, you could still make them a reality. Just believe in yourself and your dreams, and allow your dreams to take flight. The power to realise your dreams is in your hands. Just follow your heart. 👌

Ground Zero

My life is gradually taking off from 'ground zero' - one of the lowest points in my life six years ago - and now I'm in the process of rebuilding my life. Having experienced 'ground zero' has taught me many things. And it has made me A LOT stronger - mentally and emotionally. 

Taking Off

My life is taking off and I know that I can't afford to have excess baggage that might weigh me down, but sometimes it's easier said than done. If you've been there, you'll get it. Whatever it is, as my life goes on a higher plane, I'll eventually 'shake off' the excess weight or it will 'drop off' on its own. 😊

Take Off

Here's my latest music video:

Take Off

I had a sudden thought that I should add my latest music video in this post before I even started writing, and so I chose to follow my heart. Please enjoy the music/music video. 😊 And if you like the music/music video, please remember to subscribe to my YouTube channel. (The link is at the end of this post.)


Annie Chan

(P/s: Please subscribe to my YouTube channel here: Annie's Music Everywhere. Thanks!:)

(Apologies that this post has no external links that could add value.)

Image Details

Photo by Matheus Bertelli from Pexels





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