Push Through

Definition of "Push Through"

According to an article on huffpost.com, "push through" means that "you can conquer and get through any adversity that life introduces you to". "Push through", to me, means that no matter what obstacles or difficulties are thrown your way, you just continue to move forward and get to the other side, which is where your victory awaits. 


How to Push Through?

How do you push through if everything around you seems so bleak and hope seems so distant? Can I suggest that you should avoid focusing on the obstacles, the difficulties, etc? I know it's easier said than done. But I've been there and I'm speaking from experience. You tend to get what you focus on. So why focus on the negatives (obstacles, etc)? You might as well focus on what you want, right? Why not try to visualise and think of how your life would look like once you've pushed through and overcome? 

Give Yourself Hope

Give yourself hope by reaching out to help others. When you shift your focus from your own need or pain to meeting the needs or alleviating the pain of others, you might actually be giving yourself hope. How? When you see the sufferings of fellow men which might be worse than what you're experiencing, you'll be (kind of, at least) giving yourself hope because you'd probably recognise that your situation isn't as bad. Agree?

Give yourself hope by reaching out to others for support. Even if you don't have anyone in your own circle that you could reach out to, just try reaching out to someone, even if it's a total stranger  (but be wise, though). That was what I did, and that was probably the reason (or one of the reasons) why I'd finally come out of the dark place of hopelessness. 

You could reach out for support via a helpline if you don't feel comfortable sharing with anyone in your own circle or if you don't feel comfortable sharing with others face to face.

Remember, when you have hope, it's easier to push through. 

Choose an Empowering Meaning to Your Experience

According to an article on getmotivation.com, the writer shares his eight steps to pushing through any obstacles. According to him, "we assign meanings to our experiences". So whatever negative experiences we might have encountered or are encountering, we could choose to assign empowering meanings to those experiences rather than disempowering ones. 

Push Through

Please check out my latest music video titled "Push Through". Thank you.


Annie Chan

(P/s: Please subscribe to my YouTube channel here: Annie's Music Everywhere. Thanks!:)

Image Details

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels







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