Can Music Rewire Your Brain?

Unlocking the Power of Music on the Brain Do you know that music has the power to rewire your brain? Whether you're an avid listener or a musician, the effects of music on neuroplasticity are profound. It enhances learning, memory and even recovery. In this post, we’ll explore how music can make beneficial changes to brain functioning. Definition of "Rewire" According to merriam-webster , the definition of "rewire" is to make lasting and usually beneficial changes to the neurological or psychological functioning of (a person or brain). How Does Music Rewire Your Brain? You could rewire your brain by listening to music or by playing a musical instrument regularly. According to healthline , there are six ways you could rewire your brain, one of which is via music. In the article, it says that music could help with learning and remembering new information, which could be one of the reasons why many Singaporean parents would send their kids for music lesso...